I took this photo during our holiday on Rotto but never put it in with the other travel wardrobe photos... the blue skirt was appearing too often. But I still think it's a nice photo so I decided to post it after all.
Raincoat: self-drafted, of non breathable nylon ripstop, details here
Top; top "a" from shape shape, formerly known as Unique Clothes Any Way You Like, by Natsuno Hiraiwa, of white cotton, details here
Skirt; Vogue 1170, blue corduroy, details here, my review of this pattern here, and see this skirt styled in 6 different ways here
Thongs; Havaiana
I've been a bit sad and have lost some of the blogging joy over the past few days... thanks to a very sarcastic nasty comment on my blog I discovered recently. A few might have seen a recent blog post I wrote about it ... but probably not many because I deleted it soon after publishing. I also deleted the mean comment too eventually; Craig told me I should have left it to allow everyone to read it, but rude comments upset me. I just don't want hurtful stuff on my blog. I usually prefer to be all Positive Pollyanna.
The commenter took exception to my review of Natsuno Hiraiwa's Pattern book Unique Clothes Any Way You Like, or shape shape, which she interpreted as a personal attack on her character. Apparently she was an author of one of those scathing reviews on amazon about Natsuno Hiraiwa's book. Of course it goes without saying that she had nothing nice to say about my own makes from the book! She outlined her alleged long sewing history, I guess as a means of "proving" her superior level of sewing expertise, thus granting herself the authority to override my positive review of the book. Despite admitting again she hadn't even used the book. She classed me a "spoilt Anglo Saxon sewer" (and btw I have used Burda magazine patterns a lot too), and very sarcastically dissed the skirt I had made, skirt "d" pictured at the top of my review.
I don't like to drone on about my own history since I prefer for my handiwork to speak for itself... plus one thing I've learnt from the internet is how lots of people can talk until the cows come home about how utterly expertly fabulous they are at something without ever offering any evidence to support their claims; so I will not. I have posted about some of my really old stuff under the label ancient history.
However, for the last three years I upped the ante to the max and took on sewing my entire wardrobe; and this has been documented pretty thoroughly here on my blog. I have not bought any clothes in all that time. In my real life, I am literally the only person I know who sews all my own clothes. I really enjoy doing this; I love clothes and I love the challenge of creating them myself, and it gives me something to do in my spare time. I'm a busy person, and don't like to be still, so sewing keeps me happily and productively occupied in the hours when I am not doing my official work in the office, cooking, housework, and on the weekends when my husband, who works very long hours, is on call or at work.
Blogging about it started out in a small documentative way; but has built up to become so much more to me, a community of wonderful like-minded people, with whom I share a common love.
Of course, I know I am very lucky and undoubtedly I am spoilt in many many aspects of my life BUT .... I've still put in many hours to get to the level of sewing expertise I am at, and I put in quite an effort to make things the best I possibly can.
I also put in quite an effort to present my creations in a fun, lighthearted and interesting way here, and to make my blog the best it can be. I'm not the sort to make a half-hearted effort. And I prefer positivity over negativity.
Anyway, I don't even know why I'm baring my soul defensively in this way... just feeling a bit down I s'pose. I hope I am not over-sharing in an embarrassing way.
(I wrote this a few days ago, and I'm feeling more cheerful now :)
Raincoat: self-drafted, of non breathable nylon ripstop, details here
Top; top "a" from shape shape, formerly known as Unique Clothes Any Way You Like, by Natsuno Hiraiwa, of white cotton, details here
Skirt; Vogue 1170, blue corduroy, details here, my review of this pattern here, and see this skirt styled in 6 different ways here
Thongs; Havaiana
I've been a bit sad and have lost some of the blogging joy over the past few days... thanks to a very sarcastic nasty comment on my blog I discovered recently. A few might have seen a recent blog post I wrote about it ... but probably not many because I deleted it soon after publishing. I also deleted the mean comment too eventually; Craig told me I should have left it to allow everyone to read it, but rude comments upset me. I just don't want hurtful stuff on my blog. I usually prefer to be all Positive Pollyanna.
The commenter took exception to my review of Natsuno Hiraiwa's Pattern book Unique Clothes Any Way You Like, or shape shape, which she interpreted as a personal attack on her character. Apparently she was an author of one of those scathing reviews on amazon about Natsuno Hiraiwa's book. Of course it goes without saying that she had nothing nice to say about my own makes from the book! She outlined her alleged long sewing history, I guess as a means of "proving" her superior level of sewing expertise, thus granting herself the authority to override my positive review of the book. Despite admitting again she hadn't even used the book. She classed me a "spoilt Anglo Saxon sewer" (and btw I have used Burda magazine patterns a lot too), and very sarcastically dissed the skirt I had made, skirt "d" pictured at the top of my review.
I don't like to drone on about my own history since I prefer for my handiwork to speak for itself... plus one thing I've learnt from the internet is how lots of people can talk until the cows come home about how utterly expertly fabulous they are at something without ever offering any evidence to support their claims; so I will not. I have posted about some of my really old stuff under the label ancient history.
However, for the last three years I upped the ante to the max and took on sewing my entire wardrobe; and this has been documented pretty thoroughly here on my blog. I have not bought any clothes in all that time. In my real life, I am literally the only person I know who sews all my own clothes. I really enjoy doing this; I love clothes and I love the challenge of creating them myself, and it gives me something to do in my spare time. I'm a busy person, and don't like to be still, so sewing keeps me happily and productively occupied in the hours when I am not doing my official work in the office, cooking, housework, and on the weekends when my husband, who works very long hours, is on call or at work.
Blogging about it started out in a small documentative way; but has built up to become so much more to me, a community of wonderful like-minded people, with whom I share a common love.
Of course, I know I am very lucky and undoubtedly I am spoilt in many many aspects of my life BUT .... I've still put in many hours to get to the level of sewing expertise I am at, and I put in quite an effort to make things the best I possibly can.
I also put in quite an effort to present my creations in a fun, lighthearted and interesting way here, and to make my blog the best it can be. I'm not the sort to make a half-hearted effort. And I prefer positivity over negativity.
Anyway, I don't even know why I'm baring my soul defensively in this way... just feeling a bit down I s'pose. I hope I am not over-sharing in an embarrassing way.
(I wrote this a few days ago, and I'm feeling more cheerful now :)