Here we are, the very last day of the year! and a good time to reflect... was the year fabulous? was it awful? was it so humdrum we now cannot remember a single thing?
Of course, the beauty of having the blog is that a whole bunch of stuff is documented in black andwhite buff yellow and there is just no escaping the truths within; good or bad, wrought by my own fair hand.
A favourite picture from each month of the year... June has two because I just had to have one each from Italy and Paris!
Of course, the beauty of having the blog is that a whole bunch of stuff is documented in black and
A favourite picture from each month of the year... June has two because I just had to have one each from Italy and Paris!
Thoughts on the year?
I am quite comfortable now in making my own entire wardrobe. It's been years (3? 4?) since I bought any RTW clothes. I'm kinda happy with just about everything that I've made, only a handful of things per year get chopped up or passed on to others who liked them more than I did. I'm getting better at letting go of things that are tatty or past their best, and allowing myself to wear the newer and exciting things I've made, with less fear of "mucking them up".
The big big big thing of the year for me....?
I'm sewing my own lingerie now!! This is something I always thought would be beyond me, so I am so glad I got brave and gave it a whirl. My own self-made bras are so soft and comfy and well-fitting compared to any RTW thing I have worn in the past.
Another personal best for the year was sewing my own raincoat... I did it! I cannot tell you how proud I am of that thing (smug self-pat on the back)
You can skip this next bit if you found it dull... the finances. So this year I set out to account for my sewing habit. Like Ebenezer Scrooge I obsessively totted up every last cent, for every single thing sewing related that I used this year. And I know I said I would disclose all the sewing I did for my family, including gifts, but I have decided not to. I'm OK with that. I mean, I know what I spent, but the secret will die with me. The following is only just the sewing for ME!
Total expenditure: $1330.73.
Number of garments made, counting each set of 1 bra+ 2 undies as one garment: 65
Average cost per garment: $20.47
Favourite garment: Ivory trench coat
Any fails?: my double sleeved shirt got worn only a few times before I decided that bright-ish shade of sky-blue was awfully unflattering on me... fortunately Cassie likes it and took it. It is a dress on her, and she looks adorable in it!
Garments made from old fabric: 29
Garments made from new fabric: 38 (yes, these numbers add up to more than 65, but two garments were made from both old and new fabric, and I counted these in both categories)
Refashioned garments: 12
Most expensive garment made: Peppercorn cardigan$108.70
Number of times worn: ohmigosh, countless. Probs at least 40 times during the winter and early spring.
Least expensive garment made: 18! garments were free!
So. This is more than I thought I would spend, I had actually estimated about $1200 for me-sewing, but overall I don't think this is too bad. Of course, I am very fortunate that a lot of my fabric is given to me; however that is actually a normal state of affairs. Since everyone in my life knows how much I love to sew, I do receive a lot of fabric; both cast offs from other people's stashes, as well as in the form of gifts for my birthday and for Christmas.
There were some items that bumped up the total more than I expected, particularly lingerie. Just the findings, elastic and the moulded bra cups that I like cost $25 per set of bra plus 2 undies, and that is before buying any fabric or lace... and considering I made five sets this year... well lingerie turned out to be a more costly habit than I anticipated!
But so what; I'm making my own lingerie!!! Wooo hooo! Plus, each set is still far less expensive than anything I would buy, so I'm satisfied. There will be more.
I also discovered that knitting is kinda an expensive hobby relative to sewing. Yarns are quite dear compared to fabric. But am I going to give up knitting? heck no. I will take better care of my knitted items from now on though!
So, I am looking forward to the New Year already!
Please let me say, Thank You to all those who read my blog, and who take the time to comment; your presence and your support is very much appreciated. Big hugs to all of you!
Also my very best wishes to all for a wonderful 2013, and I hope it brings to you all that you've been hoping for!
See you next year!